All posts by Alison Tangerine

Case Study: How to significantly reduce overheads and preserve print quality with Elmprint.

When a leading UK and Ireland insurance broker contacted us here at Elmdale Maintenance, they were looking for a solution to combat spiralling costs on their mixed black and white and full colour printing facilities throughout their network of branches. This case study highlights how our Elmprint software, improved their business efficiency while saving them money.

Elmprint, which automates the process of delivering the intelligent use of colour and mono prints, has been developed by our in-house software development team in partnership with leading print manufacturer, Konica Minolta.

Until they began talking to us, they were manually collating prints which was proving both time-consuming and, sometimes, inaccurate. A system was required to combine both black and white and colour elements and reduce their costs.

Ensuring Children’s On-line Safety for Schools and Home

With the internet now playing a major role in education, ensuring the safety and well-being of children online is of the utmost importance, as pupils are growing up in such a complex world that is ever-changing.

While the internet provides exciting opportunities that their parents and grandparents never had, it also presents challenges and risks, to children, that pervade into every part of their lives and, with the majority of their time spent at school or involved in homework, with the internet as a learning resource, schools are under pressure to equip their pupils with the knowledge needed to make the best use of the internet and technology in a safe, considered and respectful way.

Also, in the UK, there has been a shift towards embracing the concept of ‘digital citizenship’ in schools to ensure children are taught to use technology responsibly and respectfully, in their communication with others and to develop their moral compass.

E-safety has become an integral part of the Ofsted inspection framework, with guidance for teaching on-line safety in schools, by the Department of Education. While providing a vital framework, this places enormous responsibility on schools to “deliver online safety content within their curriculum and embed this within their wider whole school approach”.

Fortunately, with the availability of powerful web filtering solutions, schools are now able to adopt to protect children from harmful content and maintain a safe learning environment.

Among the leading web filtering systems is Securly, the world’s first 100% cloud-based web filtering solution designed specifically for schools. Securly is a member of the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), and works closely with the IWF and the UK Home Office to ensure compliance with the standards recommended by the UK Safer Internet Centre for filtering and monitoring.

The importance of web filtering in student safety:

The internet provides children with a wealth of resources, enabling them to access information, collaborate with peers, and enhance their learning experiences. However, it also exposes them to potential dangers such as explicit content, cyber-bullying, fake information, incitement and online predators. Web filtering acts as a safeguard by controlling and monitoring the content that children can access, ensuring they are protected from harmful or inappropriate material. By implementing web filtering solutions like Securly, schools can proactively reduce risks and create a safer online environment.

What are the main features and benefits of the Securly Web Filtering solution?

Content Filtering: Securly Filter operates as the eyes and ears of teachers, when they cannot be with the children, and offers advanced content filtering capabilities, allowing schools to block access to inappropriate websites and harmful content. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, Securly’s database is constantly updated to keep-up with ever-changing online threats and complies with the standards set at the highest level for e-safety.

Cyberbullying Detection: Securly employs powerful algorithms to identify cases of cyber-bullying in student communications, helping schools detect and address potentially harmful issues promptly. This proactive approach ensures that children feel safe and supported while on-line.

Real-time Monitoring: Schools are able to access real-time visibility into children’ online activities, with Securly keeping a watchful eye on the network. Administrators can monitor internet usage patterns, identify potential risks, and intervene when necessary. This feature enables prompt intervention and enhances student safety.

Self-Harm and Suicide Prevention: To help prevent everyone’s worst nightmare, Securly’s advanced algorithms analyse children’s online behaviour and communication to detect signs of self-harm or suicidal tendencies. If flagged, the system instantly alerts school administrators, enabling them to provide immediate support to the student at risk.

Personalised Policies: Every school has different requirements and, for that reason, Securly allows schools to set their own web filtering policies based on their specific requirements taking into account the age of the children, vulnerable children and an in-depth knowledge of the behaviour of children in the school.

This flexibility also gives parents control when school devices are used at home. Parents are able to view activity, “pause” the internet, and set their own filtering rules. It also helps to keep schools and parents connected and work through issues together.

Promoting Digital Citizenship:

Web filtering solutions like Securly not only protect children but also play a vital role in promoting digital citizenship. By filtering inappropriate content and discouraging cyber-bullying, these systems encourage responsible online behaviour and help children develop essential skills for navigating the digital world safely.

Securly authorises teachers to engage in conversations relating to digital literacy, accepted online behaviour and how to use technology responsibly, which promotes a more positive online culture within the school community.

How we can help:

Elmdale IT Services is an authorised provider of the Securly software and is already working closely with schools, administrators and teachers to ensure they feel confident that their needs are being met and maintained at the best possible level. Securly helps to make children and schools feel protected and it is our responsibility to help schools to make that happen.

What is more, Elmdale IT is committed to delivering a full range of innovative ICT solutions that offer the best value for money. We are dedicated to offering quality, flexible services and solutions to meet all of your current and future ICT requirements.

For more information, please contact us on 0118 982 1444 or email:

Elmdale IT Services: or

The role of IT in the Hybrid Work Environment

The way we work has been revolutionised by the events of the past 3 years, prompting organisations to adopt remote working practices on an unprecedented scale.

As we move forward, the concept of hybrid working, which combines remote work with office-based operations, has gained significant momentum.

This flexible work model offers numerous benefits to both employees and organisations, and IT plays a significant role in making hybrid working a success.

In this article, we will explore the advantages of hybrid working and delve into how IT can empower organisations to thrive in this continuing era of flexibility.

Embracing Flexibility:

Hybrid working gives employees the freedom to choose when and where they work, providing a healthy work-life balance and improving overall job satisfaction. With a solid IT infrastructure in place, employees can seamlessly connect to corporate resources, access files securely, and collaborate with colleagues irrespective of their physical location.

Cloud-based platforms, virtual private networks (VPNs), and remote desktops are instrumental in enabling flexible work arrangements.

Enhancing Collaboration:

Effective collaboration is essential for any organisation’s success. With hybrid working, teams are no longer confined to the physical boundaries of the office. IT tools such as video conferencing platforms, project management software, and real-time communication applications enable virtual meetings, document sharing, and team brainstorming sessions.

These digital collaboration tools bridge the gap between remote and office-based employees, which encourages more seamless teamwork.

Boosting Productivity:

Studies have shown that hybrid working can lead to increased productivity levels among employees. IT systems and interactive applications facilitate the automation of routine tasks, provide access to comprehensive data and analytics, and streamline workflows.

Additionally, advanced project management tools and task-tracking applications keep teams organised and ensure accountability, even when working remotely. Robust IT infrastructure acts as the backbone of efficient operations and empowers employees to deliver their best work, regardless of their physical location.

Strengthening Cybersecurity:

With the rise in remote working, organisations face new cybersecurity challenges. In particular phishing, through email, has become more prevalent and, for that reason, IT plays a critical role in safeguarding corporate data and protecting sensitive information. Implementing robust security measures, within the home-workplace, which dovetails in the office, such as multi-factor authentication, encryption, and secure file sharing, is essential to reduce risks.

Regular employee training on best cybersecurity practices and monitoring tools help maintain a secure hybrid working environment.

Seamless Integration and Accessibility:

The success of hybrid working relies on seamless integration between various IT systems. A well-designed IT infrastructure ensures that remote and office-based employees have access to the same tools, applications, and information.

Compatibility across devices, cloud-based storage, and centralised document repositories enable easy collaboration and data sharing. What is more, IT support teams play a vital role in providing assistance and troubleshooting technical issues to ensure a smooth work experience for all employees.

In summary:

Hybrid working is here to stay, as it offers the best of both worlds – flexibility and collaboration. However, a successful transition to this continuing work model requires robust IT infrastructure and technology solutions.

By embracing digital transformation, organisations can successfully harness the power of IT to enhance productivity, encourage collaboration, and maintain data security in a hybrid working environment.

As we navigate the future of working – in any environment – organisations that prioritise IT investments and engage with technological advancements will emerge as front-runners in this evolving landscape.

How can we help:

Where flexibility and adaptability are key, we understand that one size does not fit all. That’s why we offer competitive and flexible solutions that revolve around what works best for your unique business needs.

Our approach begins by taking the time to listen to your specific requirements. By gaining an in-depth understanding of your operations, challenges, and goals, we are able to design a tailored solution that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Drawing from our extensive range of IT, network print, telephony, and consultancy services, we use the latest technologies and industry best practices for hybrid working environments. Whether it’s optimising your network infrastructure, implementing secure remote access solutions for output, or enhancing communication and collaboration tools, we have everything you need.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the highest level of support throughout the entire process. From the initial consultation to ongoing maintenance and monitoring, we ensure that your IT infrastructure remains reliable, scalable and fit for the future.

We believe that technology should enhance your business and our mission is to provide you with the tools and solutions you need to thrive in the ever-evolving modern workplace. Experience the difference of tailored IT services and print solutions designed specifically for your business.

For more information, please contact us on 0118 982 1444 or email:

Elmdale IT Services: or

Elmdale Maintenance (for Print IT solutions):

How secure is your data?

Cybersecurity is now an essential aspect of any modern business, whatever the size or market type, as cyber-attacks and threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated.

To ensure the safety of your business and its data, it is essential to have a robust cybersecurity strategy in place, including measures such as Cyber Essentials and Plus accreditation, Pen Testing, and SOC services (Security Operations Centre).

In this article, we will explore why we believe these cybersecurity measures are essential and how they, and we, as a supplier of IT support services, can help protect customers from cyber threats.

Being aware is the first step to prevention

It’s human nature to be sceptical of the latest technology and also not wish to spend too much money, but, in today’s world, can businesses and individuals afford not to protect their data?

What are businesses doing to secure themselves and their customers?

Here at Elmdale IT, when auditing clients’ needs, and recommending solutions, we include discussing the security of their printing infrastructure and network as a priority. This helps us find out more about their network and IT support and regularly involves discussing all network security aspects from security of devices on the network to awareness of spoof/fraudulent emails as a way of accessing the network and company data.

Being in line with the latest GDPR regulations is also paramount so we evaluate the appropriate level of security that we need to put in place and the basic technical controls we can use, such as those within the framework of the Cyber Essentials and Essentials Plus accreditation.

Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditation

Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus are UK government-backed cybersecurity certification schemes that provide a baseline of cybersecurity measures that all organisations should implement. The Cyber Essentials scheme is designed to help businesses of all sizes to protect themselves from common cyber threats. The scheme provides a set of basic technical controls that should be in place, such as firewalls, secure configuration, access controls and patch management.

Cyber Essentials Plus is a more rigorous certification scheme that requires an independent assessment of an organisation’s cybersecurity controls. It includes all the requirements of Cyber Essentials but also includes a vulnerability scan and an on-site assessment. Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation is more suitable where a higher level of assurance or sensitive data is handled, such as government-based contracts or within banks and other financial organisations.

Penetration Testing

Penetration testing, also known as ‘pen testing’, is a method of testing an organisation’s cybersecurity defences by simulating a cyber-attack. A pen test can identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses within a company’s systems and networks, providing insights into how to improve security measures. Pen testing can be carried out on specific areas of the infrastructure, such as web applications, networks, or wireless networks.

Pen testing can be conducted in two ways, either through automated testing or manual testing. Automated testing uses software tools to simulate attacks, while manual testing is carried out by our trained professionals who attempt to exploit vulnerabilities in a system. The results of a pen test can be used to improve security measures and reduce the risk of a successful cyber-attack.

SOC Services

SOC (Security Operations Centre) services provide 24/7 monitoring and management of a business’ cybersecurity systems and networks. SOC services use advanced technology, such as threat intelligence, to detect and respond to cyber threats in real-time. SOC services can help organisations to identify and reduce potential cyber threats before they become a problem.

SOC services typically include security incident and event management (SIEM), threat hunting, vulnerability management, and incident response. These services are provided by our trained cybersecurity team who have the expertise and knowledge to detect and respond to cyber threats quickly and effectively.

Don’t overlook the not-so-obvious

It’s important to emphasise that it’s not just operating systems on a network that are a target of cyber-attacks; anything connected to a network is potentially vulnerable, including the least likely of candidates, network printers and multifunctional photocopiers (MFPs). MFPs, in all areas of the marketplace, have access to the world wide web and are included within the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) as vital endpoints on a network. In both cases this access makes them a risk to data security and cyber-attacks.

What can be done to prevent attacks on basic office equipment at a basic level?

At Elmdale Maintenance, part of the Elmdale Group, all the latest MFPs we supply have been designed with some effective standard security features, such as user authentication, secure print and hard drive data encryption, when they are manufactured, which comply with the Compatible Criteria Certification (ISO/IEC 15408) as well as the IEEE 2600.1 standard.

However, we also recommend strengthening data security further with a choice of options, depending on the level required, from data security kits to 3rd party tools, such as PaperCut, to track and securely release print jobs, and antivirus options like Bitdefender® which enables print jobs to be scanned in real-time to prevent potentially harmful virus attacks and data breaches.


In conclusion, cyber threats are a significant risk for businesses of all sizes, and cybersecurity measures such as Cyber Essentials and Plus accreditation, Pen Testing, and SOC services are essential to protect against these threats. These measures provide a baseline of cybersecurity controls, identify vulnerabilities in an organisation’s systems, and provide 24/7 monitoring and management of cybersecurity systems and networks. By implementing these measures, organisations can reduce the risk of a successful cyber-attack and protect their business and its data from harm.

For more information, please contact us on 0118 982 1444 or email:

Elmdale IT Services: or

Elmdale Maintenance (for Print IT solutions):